It's Color Time To make words stand out from others you can change their color. It's easy to do. I'll give an example by making your heading the color Red. Just edit the html code here:

Extreme Mac

to look like this:

Extreme Mac

•Explanation: All you have to do is add in the and end it with a . Click on the return icon below to jump to the Color Table, to recieve the correct colorid number for your text. This time look at the second line after clicking the color you wish to use. That will give you the code to add into your page.   •Currently your html should look similar to this: Put the Title Here

Extreme Mac

•This is what your heading and page looks like now: Extreme Mac It has a red heading, black text, white background. (Your may have an image as the background)   To make the text on your page stand out not using color, you can use these simple codes that you'll soon learn by heart before you realize it. Bold Italic Underline Strike Through Text Makes a line across the middle of the text. "Short Quotation" Blinking Makes the text blink non-stop. Very annoying to me and other web surfers. To make your text many different sizes (not heading sizes) use these: Font Size 1 Font Size 2 Font Size 3 Font Size 4 Font Size 5 Font Size 6 So why don't you add in the bold command for your heading, to make it stand out even more. You should know where to put it, but if you don't look below. You should put it in here:

Extreme Mac

You can combine any html code to make the text different. Example: font size 3, make it the color green, have it bold, and make it centered on your page. Here is the html code: (I didn't add this to the example web page) Extreme Mac It would looking like: Extreme Mac